JetInsight is designed to continue functioning normally without data loss despite physical infrastructure outage or failure.
Servers are geographically redundant and automatically monitored for system health. In the case of a physical infrastructure failure affecting one or more servers or even an entire datacenter, the system will automatically shift load to unaffected physical infrastructure.
Geographically redundant hot standby databases are maintained to mirror the primary databases for critical systems. In the case of a physical infrastructure failure affecting a primary database, the system will automatically swap to the hot standby database with no or minimal downtime.
Load balancing and networking infrastructure are also redundant.
Multiple backup strategies are employed for high data durability. Database backups are taken at multiple frequencies, and are stored in geographically redundant data centers. Documents and files stored in JetInsight are also stored in geographically redundant data centers to prevent data loss in the case of physical infrastructure failure.